• California, TX 70240
  • Info@gmail.com
  • Office Hours: 8:00 AM – 7:45 PM

28 years of
working experience

We Combine Data Science and Ai
with Biology

Welcome to Next Generation Solutions, a motivated team at the lead of DNA, RNA, and Proteomics data analysis. With a blend of cutting-edge technology and profound biological expertise, we illuminate the complex pathways of life's blueprint Through Biological Data Analysis. Our team of brilliant biologists, visionary bioinformaticians, and skilled programmers is dedicated to decode the secrets hidden within genetic data. Using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, we transform complexity into clarity, exploring scientific innovation in biology. Embark on a journey of limitless discovery with us, as we redefine the boundaries of Data Science in Biology and shape the future of genetic insights.

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  • 24/7 Live Support
Dr. Waseem Haider
CEO NextGen. Solutions

See How It Works!

Easy steps for Analysis


Collecting Data from Clients

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Processing by NGS Team

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Organising Insights into Outputs

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Company Analysis

Annual Report
from starting to now

Over the Years NGS team has grown from bunch to Grand Team of Researchers, Biologists and Programmers working with clients all over the World.

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We're Trusted by 2500+
Professional Customer

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Team Members

Meet our experts

Jessika Mahi

Markteting Manager

Munia Anchor

Assistant Manager

Ahel Natasha

Executive Officer